Hugo Variables

Today I learned that I do not know how to concatenate strings using golang.

My Hugo theme has an ‘about’ page, which is supposed to have a conditional css class applied to the navigation when you are actually on that page. The default class is site-header__nav-item and that is meant to become site-header__nav-item active when visiting the ‘about’ page. This was not happening, so I have refactored the code a little and fixed the issue.

The old code

<header class="site-header">
  <section class="site-header__ident">
    <a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}" class="site-header__link">{{- .Site.Title -}}</a>
  <nav class="site-header__nav">
    {{ with .Site.GetPage "about" }}
    <a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}about/" class="site-header__nav-item {{ if eq .URL "/about/"}}active{{ end }}">About</a>
    {{ end }}

The new code

{{ $navStyle := "site-header__nav-item" }}
{{ if eq .RelPermalink "/about/" }}
  {{ $navStyle = "site-header__nav-item active" }}
{{ end }}
<header class="site-header">
  <section class="site-header__ident">
    <a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}" class="site-header__link">{{- .Site.Title -}}</a>
  <nav class="site-header__nav">
  {{ with .Site.GetPage "about" }}
    <a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}about/" class="{{ $navStyle }}">About</a>
  {{ end }}

What I could not work out (whilst briefly reading the docs) was how to concatenate the string active to the variable $navStyle. My current solution was to conditionally reassign the $navStyle variable. What I do not like about this method is the repetition it requires. I am only doing this once here, but if there were a few more pages, then this would not adhere to DRY principles. What I would have expected to do would be similar to this:

{{ $navStyle := "site-header__nav-item" }}
{{ if eq .RelPermalink "/about/" }}
  {{ $navStyle += " active" }}
{{ end }}

I am sure there is a way and I can write an update post in the future. Learning the grammar of a new language can be tough at first.