Editor config is still hard

Today I learned that configuring your code editor to lint and format code in a predictable way is still hard.

I use two editors frequently - Sublime Text and VS Code. Both are great. Both have plugins and their own settings. Today I was trying to update my environment for a Vue project in VS Code. I wanted the .vue files to be linted with ESLint, and for Prettier to handle the formatting. I was concentrating on how multiple attributes per line were being formatted on the <template> part.

After following some advice on Stack Overflow, which led me to an article on Medium, an issue on GitHub and a video by Wes Bos on YouTube. I got somewhere…but not where I want to be. I can not get this code:

  <div v-cloak id="app" class="w-100 mw8 center">

to format like this on save:

    class="w-100 mw8 center"

I will figure it out eventually, but this is often an element of development that can be overlooked - configuration and tooling.